BESbswyBESbswy Vintage Apple Pie Recipe from 1864 –


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Vintage Apple Pie Recipe from 1864 –

Apple Pie Recipe – Vintage

Posted by Warren

Makes one 9-inch pie, double crust, fruit filling

The Complete Cook, J.B. Lippincott, 1864


A double crust apple pie of 1864 with an old fashioned twist.

Apple Pie Recipe

The Complete Cook, by J.M. Sanderson, Lippincott, 1864

534. Apple Pie.–Wipe the outside of some apples, pare, and core them; boil the parings and cores in a little water till it tastes well; strain, and put a bit of bruised lemon, a little sugar and cinnamon, and simmer again. Put a paste round the edge of the dish; place the apples in it; when one layer is made, sprinkle half the sugar, shred lemon peel, and squeeze some juice, or a glass of cider. Put in the liquor that you have boiled. Cover with paste. Add butter when cut, if hot. To flavour the pie you may add quince, marmalade, orange paste, or cloves, to flavour.


A Cookbook with vintage pie recipes

Sanderson and families were famous in Philadelphia for their culinary contributions. James Sanderson were among America’s foremost confectioners.

They were instrumental in establishing the fame of Philadelphia ice creams which they prepared and sold in their shop on Chestnut Street.

Few 19th century American cookery books which included iced desserts would fail to have one or more recipes for "Philadelphia Ice Cream."

Sanderson’s works included techniques and recipes for Sugar Work, Fruit Syrups, Jellies, Pastes and Preserves; Candies, Chocolate, and of course Ice Creams and Ices.

Apple Pie Recipe – Old Fashioned of 1864


Pastry dough – double crust



3 pounds apples

1 tablespoon fresh-squeezed lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon fresh lemon zest

1/2 cup white sugar

bit of cinnamon

pinch of salt

some cider

1 tablespoon cold unsalted butter (dot filling top)


1. Prepare the pastry: Roll the pastry and line a 9-inch pie plate with the bottom crust. Roll out the remaining dough for the top crust. Chill the pastry.

2. Preheat the oven to 400° F.

3. Prepare the filling: Pour the fresh-squeezed lemon juice in the bottom of a large bowl. Add your lemon zest to the bowl. Peel, halve and core the apples. Be sure to remove seeds. Slice them evenly and slim into the bowl, coating them with the lemon juice as you go.

4. Follow the instructions from the vintage recipe.

5. Scrape the filling into the bottom crust, dot with butter and cover it with the second crust. Trim and crimp the crust; chill the pie for about 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Cut vent slits in the top crust. It is your option to sprinkle it with sugar or brush the top with egg pie is ready

6. Bake the pie on a baking sheet for 10 minutes at 400° F or until the crust looks dry, blistered, and blonde. Turner the oven down to 375°F, and bake for at least 45 minutes more or until the crust is golden brown, and visible juices are thickened and bubble slowly through the slits in the top crust. Check if the bottom crust has darkened. If not bake a little more and cover the top crust, so it does not burn.

7. Cool the pie completely before cutting at least a few hours or warm in an hour. Store the pie uncovered in a cool place up to three days.

Pie Recipes and much more…